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Romania tickets

Romania tickets available for all football games in Romania. Select the city below and buy tickets to an exciting football match in Romania. Browse our ticket inventory and buy Romania tickets with confidence.

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Watch football in Romania

Football in Romania is one of the most admired games. The professional football league in the country began in 1909. In the current league system the top three tiers are known as Liga I, Liga II and Liga III. 18 club teams participate in Liga I. Teams like FC Brasov, Gloria Bistri?a, Dinamo Bucuresti and Steaua Bucuresti participate in Liga I. Romania is one of the four European teams to have participated in the first ever FIFA World Cup in 1930. But since then their performance lacked the initial quality and they could only qualify in four more editions of World Cup. European Championships held in 2000 saw Romania produce their best performance to qualify to the quarter finals stage. The stellar performances of players like Gheorghe Hagi and Florin Raducioiu in the 90s are still remembered today by the football lovers.

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