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Koning Boudewijnstadion tickets

Koning Boudewijnstadion tickets available for all Koning Boudewijnstadion matches. Browse our ticket inventory and buy Koning Boudewijnstadion football tickets or buy the hottest tickets of this moment: Champions League Final tickets. All Koning Boudewijnstadion ticket orders are guaranteed and dispatched by Royal Mail Special Delivery or FedEx. Book your Koning Boudewijnstadion football tickets online or call our Koning Boudewijnstadion ticket hotline.

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About Koning Boudewijnstadion tickets

Stadium Name: Koning Boudewijnstadion
Home team: Belgium National Team
Opening date: 1930
Capacity: 67,000
Koning Boudewijnstadion Address: Avenue de Marathon 135, 1020 Bruxelles, Belgium
Koning Boudewijnstadion directions: Located to the north of the city centre, you can travel to one of three metro stations within a short walking distance. You can get a train to either Heysel, Roi Baudouin, or Houba-Brugmann.
Description of stadium: Home to Belgian National team, the stadium was built originally for the 1935 Brussels International Exposition. The stadium is also home to the Belgian National Rugby team, and has hosted several high profile matches, including the European Cup Finals in 1958, 1966, 1974, and 1980. Koning Boudewijnstadion football tickets are available for purchase for all upcoming matches.
Buy Koning Boudewijnstadion tickets online or by calling the box office.