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Liechtenstein Football tickets Liechtenstein Football tickets

Liechtenstein Football tickets

The Liechtenstein National Football Team is a member of the Liechtenstein Football Association and UEFA (the Union of European Football Associations). ). Liechtenstein is currently involved in the 2010 FIFA World Cup qualification competition. FIFA World Cup, (known as the World Cup) is played every four years and will next be played in 2010 in South Africa, from June 11 to July 11. The 2014 FIFA World Cup will be held in Brazil. Current FIFA World Cup Champion is Italy. UEFA Championship (known as the European Championship) is played every four years and will be hosted in 2012 by Poland and the Ukraine. Current UEFA Champion is Spain. Liechtenstein's head coach is Hans-Peter Zaugg. Top players and goal scorers include Mario Frick and Martin Stocklasa. Liechtenstein's home stadium is Rheinpark Stadion, located in Vaduz.

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